The complete method for writing a book you’ll be proud of. Marc Levy
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Course Content
3 How do you create and tell a story
18:25 -
4 Techniques for finding inspiration and never running out of ideas.
13:18 -
5 How do you know if your idea is a good one
17:55 -
6 How to structure your story and make an outline
20:54 -
7 Turning your idea into a story.
27:46 -
8 The best ways to document.
19:21 -
9 Narrative arches how to build your story
12:32 -
10 Creating characters (real and engaging) part 1
13:03 -
11 Creating (real and engaging) characters part 2
22:29 -
12 Writing dialogue.
15:32 -
13 What makes a story powerful
18:26 -
14 Tenses.
13:11 -
15 Write the first 50 pages.
13:55 -
16 Write the middle and end of your novel.
19:28 -
17 Marc Levy live-edits a text.
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