New Sales. Simplified.

June 6, 2024

New Sales. Simplified. helps you master prospecting, conduct effective sales calls, present with power, and manage your time to maximize selling opportunities.

Crafted specifically for online sales coaching.
Mike’s expertise, having been the top salesperson in three companies, ensures you get practical, easy-to-implement tools and techniques.
This series isn’t just repurposed content; it’s designed to help you win more new sales.

You’ll learn to identify what’s stopping you from developing new business and position yourself as a value-creator, not just a vendor.
You’ll cultivate an abundance mentality from a full pipeline and enjoy the rewards of becoming a top sales hunter.

New Sales. Simplified. teaches proven sales fundamentals through a video series to help you win more new sales effectively.

This course is for sales professionals and teams looking to master fundamental sales techniques, win more new sales, and elevate their sales performance in 2024.

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